eInternet Group is an ICT consultants and software developers community.
We are operating in Italy since 1994 and our main activities are about the development of data intensive web applications, business process automation, software reingeniering activities, EDP and ETL jobs.
We mean to offer our professionalities in American territory and we are looking for one or more persons in a position to representing us in USA.

We are looking for freelance trades resident in USA with basic computer science technical skills.
The candidate's main activities will be those to contact medium-small companies, to characterize eventual technological requirements, to submit the discoverd requirements to our attention in order to verify the feasibility and planning of one solution and, at last, to propose and to agree with the customer the realization of our characterized solution.
Moreover a candidate's job will be to mediate the feedbacks between our developers and the customer.
These feedbacks are necessary for the technical detailed specifications formulation of the solution to realize.
Implementation and start-up of the proposed solution will be exclusively our jobs.

Necessary requirement for the candidate is the optimal knowledge of both Italian and English language.
The motivations of such requirement derive from the necessity of having itself on one side the need to communicate with American customers and from the other side the need to explain with us customer requirements, in order to comprise eventual solutions and in order to examine the feasibility and its relative costs to charge the customer.
Communication and relational capabilities, guidelines to the customer and flexibilities complete candidate's profile.

We offer an honorarium equal to 40% of the total budget on every technological solution realized by us and concorded by you to the customer.  This economic compensation is valid only for any possible solutions that will be really accepted from the customer and developed by us. We exclude any fixed money compensations or any other compensation type.

For information you can contact us at the following email address: